Inspired by the story of Elena Desserich, Graeter's formed a partnership with The Cure Starts Now – the international charity originally founded in her honor – to help raise awareness and much needed funding for pediatric cancer research. Since teaming up in 2009, Graeter's, with the help of supporters like you, has raised over $2,000,000 with the Cones for the Cure event.
In 2008, in support of The Cure Starts Now, Graeter’s ice cream auctioned off a once in a lifetime chance to create your own flavor. The winners of the auction worked with Graeter's to help develop a flavor to honor Elena Desserich, the inspiration for The Cure Starts Now. Now a Limited Edition seasonal flavor, Elena's Blueberry Pie honors the memories of all young lives affected by pediatric cancer and supports The Cure Starts Now's mission to find the Homerun Cure for all cancers.
The Cure Starts Now represents something truly different – a grassroots effort dedicated to, not just fighting one cancer, but the elimination of ALL cancers. We believe as the experts do; that in order to truly cure cancer you have to focus on:
A new strategy for fighting cancer starts today. The Cure Starts Now is dedicated to pursuing cancer research on those fronts that offer the most promise rather than simply fighting “cancer by the numbers” as we have for the past 70 years. And in doing so, we pledge that the fight against cancer will be won. The cure starts NOW.
There are two ways to get your coupon:
Graeter's Sweet Reward members will receive an offer for a Free single dip sugar cone of Elena's Blueberry Pie ice cream during Cones for the Cure. See Graeter's App for more details.
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No worries. Fill out the form and we'll send you a coupon.
When you stop in for your free scoop of Elena's Blueberry Pie ice cream, be sure to pick up a Graeter's coupon book for a $5 donation to The Cure Starts Now. All proceeds from the sales will be donated to the foundation in support of innovative cancer research.